4 Garage Door Opener Replacement Tips To Improve Your Garage For Better Controls And Automation

21 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have old and outdated garage door equipment that constantly needs repairs, then it may be time to consider upgrades. One of the areas that can be upgraded is the garage door opener, which may need to be replaced because it is old and broken beyond repair. When replacing the garage door opener in your home, it is also a good time to consider improving the controls and adding automation to your garage. Read More 

3 Problems That Often Come Up During DIY Garage Door Installation

20 June 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your old garage door has served your home well for a lot of years, but it is high time for a replacement. You pick out a door you like and have it delivered, gather your tools, and roll up your sleeves. Before you tackle this garage door installation on your own, you should know that installing a garage door is a lot harder than what it looks. It is always best if you work with a professional for garage door installation, especially when you will be replacing an existing door. Read More